In the Works: The About Landing Page

A vibrant about us page with an extensive resources section. Worked closely with design to build the about page for In the Works, which includes a delightful hero animation, a compelling grid layout, and an interactive and responsive table of resource articles.

Live Project: Vist the live site

Tech Stack:ReactGatsbyContentfulInternal Component LibraryInternal CSS Variable System
In the Works: The About Landing Page

In the Works: About Page

The about page was a special collaborative effort between Design, Dev (me), the Content team, and the overall Brand team. We wanted to express the values of the magazine, as well as acknowledge the huge cross-functional effort it took to get the magazine off the ground. I worked closely with two designers to launch this page. I'm really proud of the result, because it reflects the hard work of several people from various teams, who all came together to build something really impactful.

In the Works: About Page

Feature: Querying Data from Multiple CMS Instances

A horizontally-scrolling resource section uses custom GraphQL queries to integrate content from two seperate CMS instances (both Helpscout's CMS and In the Works's CMS), and includes a unique interactive table component with a precise specification.

Horizontally scrolling resources from multiple CMS instances

Feature: Resources Section with Interactive Table

Keep scrolling down the about page, and you'll arrive at an extensive collection of resources queried from both the Help Scout CMS and the In the Works CMS, along with a directory of articles from In the Works. Hovering a row in the table reveals a preview card mapped to the cursor, which containing the cover image for the linked article.

In the Works: Interactive table of resources with preview card on hover